International Conference and side events in Ribe, Denmark (22-26. September 2024) – what includes panel discussion, workshops, trainings, conclusion of project activities & presentation of project outcomes. At the conference we will look deeper into factors influencing environmental and social sustainability (unsustainable consumption, how social sustainability could create inclusive societies, reduce inequality, and ensure long-term well-being for all people).

More about:

A holistic ecosystem approach to production is indispensable: the interlinkages between food, health, water, soil, forest and energy is a key consideration at the conference. Conference is willing to share Nordic-Baltic experiences, innovations and best practices in transforming food systems to more sustainable ones and look at the systematic nutrition education guides healthy and nutritious eating habits (schools meals and nutrition education). School-based nutrition education is a Nordic tradition that is relevant in a global context.

International Conference “Transforming Nordic Food Systems: For improved health and governance of Food Systems and sustainability” and side events in Ribe, Denmark (23-26. September 2024) – which includes panel discussion, workshops, training, cooking competition, conclusion of project activities & presentation of project outcomes.

Hosting organisations: FGU West Ribe (School) in cooperation with Compass Denmark (Youth Organisation)

Participating countries: Iceland, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Estonia. (5 delegates from each country) + Ribe delegates.

The target group is youth aged 14-31+ and youth organisations / educator representatives.


22nd September
– Arrival for Icelandic delegation (Staying in the )

23rd September
– Arrival for all others delegation
– Preparation and meeting with delegations, Dinner.

24th September
– Conference title “Transforming Nordic Food Systems: For improved health and governance of Food Systems and sustainability” 

At the conference we will look deeper into factors influencing environmental and social sustainability (unsustainable consumption, how social sustainability could create inclusive societies, reduce inequality, and ensure long-term well-being for all people).


10.00 – 10.30 Welcoming word by hosts + presentation of project outcomes and overvie
10.00 –10.15 Key note speech by “Schools as catalysts for transitioning to sustainable school food systems”, Mikkel Willerslev, Head master of Ribe School (Denmark)
10.30 – 11.00 Key note speech “Youth and Food Systems Transformation: Assessing the youth role in food systems transformation” by German Morris, Peace Child Estonia, Youth representative
11.00 – 11.30 Key note speech “Experiences with transition towards production and consumption of plant-based food” by Professor Michael Soegaard Joergensen, Aalborg University
11.30 – 12.30 Panel discussion I “Youth Engagement and Transforming food systems to more sustainable ones:  nutritious eating habits and role of education”
– Finland: Maria Chupasova
– Iceland: Stefán Orn Ingvarsson
– Denmark: Ivan Vasilevskikh
– Sweden: Jenny Magnusson
– Estonia: Christelle Mariely Rammul

12.30 – 13.00 Workshop and Working groups:

– Sharing innovation, experiences and best practices in transforming food systems – Vassili Golikov and Susanne Kallanvaara
– Development of youth statement + follow up project – Laura Rajala
– Workshop on green grown and composting – Anneli Ohvril (online)

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch

14.00 – 15.00 Panel discussion II “Towards 0sustainable food systems – the Nordic approach: update of politics and climate change adaptation, reduction of food loss and waste”
– Finland: Artemii Ershov
– Iceland: Karl Héðinn Kristjánsson
– Denmark: Alejandra Hansen
– Sweden:  Annika Eklund
– Estonia: Maria Kuuseok

15.00 – 15.45 Working group II (finalisation of the statement + follow up project)

15.45 -16.00 Presentation of the conference stament and follow up project sharing certificates.

25th September
– The Nordic-Baltic Taste award 2024″ cooking competition (National Teams, group of 4 + 1 Jury member) 

10.00 – 14.00 preparation in teams *proposing the recipe books/ traditional + Innovative recipes ideas|
14.00 – 18.00 cooking competition

Second flagship event is the Nordic-Baltic Taste award 2024 – cooking competition will be organised between young people of invited delegations.

National Delegations will be competing between each others in preparing a 3 course menu:

  1. Starter,
  2. Main Meal,
  3. and Dessert

At the end of the day, the independent jury (composed by one representative from each country and two independent experts) will give own evaluation for each meal and by finalisation of the evaluation will announce who win the competition. The winning team will get an award statue and Grand prix. There will be an acknowledgement for the

  • I place – Gift card for 4 people (an international trip for a group on Sustainable Development Conference and Study Trip in 2024) an equivalent to the amount of 800 eur,
  • II place – Gift card for 4 people (an international trip for a group on Media literacy and communication conference in 2025) an equivalent to the amount of 500 eur
  • III place – Gift card for 4 people (memorable books and gifts) an equivalent to the amount of 500 eur
  • All participants will receive an award certificate of participation and invitation for the future youth leadership programm.

18.00 – 19.00 Dinner
20.00 – 22.00 Games and Barbeque

26. September 2024
– Conclusions and departure.

09.00 – 10.00 Official closing
Departure back home