Nordic-Baltic colloboration: Discovering Nordic Food Culture and improving sustainable consumption between young people (2024)

The project increases young people’s knowledge about the sustainable Nordic Food Culture system and improves their habits and skills on sustainable lifestyle in our communities by changing consumption habits, healthy choices and reinforcing young people`s role as multipliers.

Project dates: 15.04 – 30.11.2024

Project partners: Green Habito RY (Finland), FGU Vest Ribe (Denmark), Compass (Denmark) Burgarden Gymnasium (Sweden),  Pepp, grasrótarstarfi fólks í fátækt (Iceland), Sillamäe Society for Child Welfare (Estonia) and Luksia Western Uusimaa Education and Training Consortium (Finland)

The main goal of the project is to strengthen and increasing Nordic-Baltic youth collaboration on the theme of Nordic Food Culture and improving sustainable consumption between young people by promoting sustainable, green and healthy lifestyle and food habits by discovering Nordic Food Culture its traditions, recipes, developments and on the same time reducing overconsumption, reducing food waste and enhancing youth sustainable thinking. By this project we aim to increase knowledge of young people of their own Nordic Food culture and its traditions through food and collaboration, improve young people’s sustainable lifestyle habits and mindset and to raise awareness on the importance of achievement of UN SDGs and the need to reduce overconsumption and food waste, as it has a huge environmental and climate footprint.

The target group is youth aged 14-31+ from Nordic countries+Estonia and representatives of educational institutions and local communities who support young people in their development. Youth will learn a lot from Nordic food culture, which is known for its focus on seasonal and locally sourced ingredients, as well as its emphasis on simple and healthy preparations. One important lesson is the value of sustainability and environmental consciousness. Nordic cuisine celebrates the use of locally sourced ingredients, which reduces the carbon footprint associated with food production and distribution. Additionally, young people will learn to appreciate the natural rhythms of the environment and the importance of respecting the earth’s resources and consumption. Nordic cuisine is often associated with communal meals, where friends and family come together to share food and conversation. This promotes a sense of belonging and social cohesion that is important for young people’s mental health and well-being.

Many traditional Nordic dishes are based on whole grains, vegetables, and lean proteins, which are all important
components of a healthy diet. Finally, Nordic food culture will teach young people about the importance of cultural heritage and tradition. Many Nordic dishes have been passed down through generations, and preparing and
sharing these dishes can help young people feel a connection to their heritage and history. Overall, Nordic food culture offers many valuable lessons for young people, including sustainability, community, healthy eating habits, and cultural heritage. It’s important to engage young people who will become a multiplier that will improve their own friends and communities habits and reduce overconsumption to be more sustainable and care about food waste.
Sustainable lifestyles of young people should reflect specific cultural, natural, economic and social heritage of Nordic society.


  • Local workshops conducted by each partner (April-May 2024)
  • Two international trainings in Göteborg (9-12. May 2024) and Tallinn (6 – 9 June 2024) in fields of cooking, health, consuming, sustainability, culture; and competition between young people will lead to the process of changing the habits of engaged groups on more sustainable lifestyle that will create a network of sustainable multipliers who will work to improve young people sustainable thinking and living to be an actors of change and improve their knowledge on Nordic Food Culture.
  • International Conference and side events in Ribe, Denmark ( September/October 2024) – what includes panel discussion, workshops, trainings, conclusion of project activities & presentation of project outcomes. At the conference we will look deeper into factors influencing environmental and social sustainability (unsustainable consumption, how social sustainbility could create inclusive societies, reduce inequality, and ensure long-term well-being for all people). A holistic ecosystem approach to production is indispensable: the interlinkages between food, health, water, soil, forest and energy is a key consideration at the conference. Conference is willing to share Nordic-Baltic experiences, innovations and best practices in transforming food systems to more sustainable ones and look at the systematic nutrition education guides healthy and nutritious eating habits (schools meals and nutrition education). School-based nutrition education is a Nordic tradition that is relevant in a global context.

Project results:

  • The project’s positive results and person-based improvements will impact three sustainability pillars: environmental, social, and economic.
  • Young people will join a sustainability nonformal network of young activists promoting the importance of supporting sustainability in their own community and being agents of change who will build social cohesion within communities.
  • Partners will spread the Nordic countries food culture, habits and sustainability approaches (reducing food wast, improving youth consumptions) experts and young people will share they skills and knowledge, professionalism and practical experience in Nordic Food culture and 17 sustainable development goals by promotion of local initiatives and raising awareness of importance of SDGs especially in to see green, competitive, and socially sustainable Nordic and Baltic Region.
  • Each Individual will have the skills to meaningfully participate, spread, and protection own nature, health and sustainable way of living in a democratic society – increases their skills and knowledge of how to participate in a democratic society by promoting UN SDGs, green and sustainable lifestyle, reduce overconsumption and food waste, increase of healthily food and heritage of Nordic Food Culture, improve knowledge on gender roles (how to avoid gender-based stereotypes at home and empower men and women) to a new understanding of social roles and importance of diversity.
  • Increased awareness and engagement towards sustainable living and sustainable choices among youth etc.
  • Participants will gain positive experience in Nordic sustainable living and food recipes and exchange their experience and vision of a green future with each other, stakeholders, and mentors.
  • Diverse communities work together around common agendas, building trust and positive perspectives on sustainability, community, healthy eating habits, & cultural heritage.
  • Young people and Institutions will build social cohesion
  • Nordic collaboration in sustainable living, consumption and cooking will boost young people’s self-esteem by providing a sense of accomplishment, creativity, independence, social connections, and purpose.

Project impact:  the project seeks to have a broader public impact by creating a N-B Youth collaboration platform and meeting place to inspire and demonstrate necessary lifestyle changes. The project will raise awareness and engage communities on the issue of environmental, social and economic sustainability in a long-term perspective.

Project is supported by Nordic Council of Minister, Nordic Culiture Point and by partners of this project.