Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1. How would you evaluate the event as a whole? (1-could be better, 10-excelent) Selected Value: 0 2. What could have been done better?3. Which speaker did you like the most?4. Which one from the discussed issues seem to be the most essential?5. How would you evaluate content part of the conference? (1-could be better, 10-excellent) Selected Value: 0 What could have been done better?6. How would you evaluate the quality of technical support of the event? (1-could be better, 10-excellent) Selected Value: 0 What could have been done better?7. How much the discussions were inspiring and refreshing for you? (1-could be better, 10-excellent) Selected Value: 0 What inspirational thoughts are you carrying with you from the event?8. What you did not like in the event? Or what was lacking in your opinion? 9. How satisfied are you with provided accommodation, catering and conference venue conditions? (1-could be better, 10-excellent) Selected Value: 0 What was lacking in your opinion?Submit