Civil Society appeal

Civil Society appeal

In frame of final international conference “Civil Society Ideas for the sustainable and secure Future of Europe” European Civil Society organisations have discussed the role of civil society in achieving global sustainable development goals and in particulary payed attention to the European community to end the Russian – Ukrainian conflict and resolve it through diplomacy. As results of conference the civil society appeal has been developed.

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Political Declaration

Political Declaration

Global Conversation 2021 has included an intensive programme of high-level discussions, working groups, development of the Political Declaration and action plans. Read Political declaration 2021 “A programme for institutional change” where we indicate a major obstacles to the achievement of the UN SDGs in societies with growing youth unemployment, intensifying climate change and ever deeper economic, social and racial division.

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Tallinn Declaration on Social Transformation, Climate Change, and Environmental Protection”

Tallinn Declaration on Social Transformation, Climate Change, and Environmental Protection”

The conference underlined the important role of civil society in green transition and achievement of the UN’s development goals at the local level, and the need for civil society representatives to work together to achieve a green, socially sustainable and secure world. As a result of the conference In frame of final international Green Habito Conference we developed a joint Network statement “Tallinn Declaration on Social Transformation, Climate Change, and Environmental Protection”.

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European Regional Development Fund supports Global Conversation 2021

The project „Global Conversation 2021“ is supported by the European Regional Development Fund through Enterprise Estonia with 30 000 euros. The conference Global Conversation 2021 (with the previous name “UN75 Global Conversation 2020” ) will bring together interested individuals, representatives from public, private, and civil society sectors whose work is connected directly or indirectly with United